Thursday, March 26, 2015

Outfit design

This will be a somewhat short entry - it's late and I'm pretty tired, but I just finished this art so I wanted to get it up here.

This was an attempt at designing a gown for Raina to wear to the autumn banquet (an event that ends well for pretty much nobody XD). I will be the first to admit that I'm terrible at designing clothes, so for this outfit I referenced one that I found online a long time ago - I feel pretty good about the end result, actually. I have outfits in mind for the other characters as well, but we'll see how well I can get them down XD

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Minor character

I haven't felt much like doing art lately, but I do have a couple more already-finished design pieces, so I'll put those up today.

This is a rare character in that she did not exist back when I first started drawing all the others. I created her more recently, in the course of trying to pull together a story, as sort of the anti-Raina - I'll explain a bit more about that down below.

Charlotte LaRose - somewhere in her late 20s. Her origins are similar to Raina's in that she grew up in a noble family, but instead of letting that lifestyle beat down her free spirit, she fought her hardest to defy those above her. She learned how to duel from a stable-hand (he used to be a highwayman but had turned away from that type of work), but when her parents learned of this, they had the man executed. This was the last straw for Charlotte, and she left home, to eventually start up a Robin Hood-type operation under the name Charlie (good intentions at first, but it degrades to just simple banditry). Charlie is extremely cruel and jaded when Raina meets her (at least 10 years after the events described above).

This is an attempt at outfit design for Charlie - I wanted her clothes to reflect her noble origins just a bit (perhaps to show how much that life is still a part of her, even if she has rejected it?)

On an artistic note...I think the proportions are really off, but years of drawing EQ elves have left me unable to draw regular humans without tons of reference XD Also....swords are really difficult to draw >_<